Delivery plan for personalised care will enable people to have better control over their health, care and support.
- Person-centred care
- Primary care
Commenting on the delivery plan for personalised care, Don Redding, Director of Policy and Partnerships at National Voices, said:
National Voices welcomes the delivery plan for personalised care: a ‘how to’ guide for every local health system to make the NHS Comprehensive Model of Personalised Care a reality for people who use services.
With our members we have explored the evidence base and raised the demands of service users for personalised approaches like shared decision-making, care and support planning, community-based support, supported self-management, and personal health budgets which are all part of this model. Brought together at scale they can enable people to have better control over their health, care and support.
This is the most serious and determined attempt yet to shift towards a new service model for people with long term conditions.
The announcement today of successful contract negotiations for primary care backs it up with funding for the workforce, social prescribing, primary care networks and a new approach to quality.