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NHS Dental Recovery Plan – National Voices’ response

The NHS and the government have published a plan to recover NHS dentistry, setting out a major new focus on prevention, good oral health in young children and the delivery of an expanded dental workforce.

  • Primary care
  • Health inequalities

This extra money will breathe much needed life into NHS dental services over the next 12 months, and it should help thousands of people who have been unable to see a dentist in the last two years to get the care they need.

National data shows us far too many people don’t currently have access to a NHS dentist and so getting the nation’s oral health back on track is a major challenge – we hope to work with NHS England to ensure those most in need, such as those awaiting cancer treatment, transplant or whose lives are severely impacted by the need for urgent dental care, do not miss out.

Dentistry is all about prevention and while we are assured by plans to improve dental training numbers, childhood dental health and water fluoridisation, a long term plan also needs the right investment to ensure improvements are sustained. We stand ready to work together to ensure any future plan reflects the real needs of communities across England.

Jacob Lant, Chief Executive of National Voices