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A self assessment and improvement framework for integrated care systems

We worked in partnership with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and The Point of Care Foundation, on a project funded by the Regulators' Pioneer Fund to develop a rigorous, scalable, self-assessment framework for integrated care systems (ICSs).

  • Health inequalities
  • Lived experience
  • Integrated care

About the framework

The framework for engaging with people and communities to address health inequalities is a voluntary resource to support ICSs in reducing health inequalities by improving the way they engage with people and communities. The voluntary framework is designed to stimulate honest reflection, shared learning and practical action planning at all levels of engagement.

The aim of the framework is to support ICSs through a whole-system approach to embedding meaningful engagement and reducing health inequalities, linking to People and Community strategies.

The framework is a comprehensive resource that supports systems in reflecting, learning, and planning tangible actions to address inequalities through 7 phases:

  • Check
  • Challenge
  • Prepare
  • Plan
  • Engage
  • Involve
  • Evaluate

Developing the framework

We worked in partnership with CQC and the Point of Care Foundation to develop the framework, with funding from the Regulator’s Pioneer Fund.

The Point of Care Foundation reviewed current practice and existing engagement frameworks in ICSs to measure progress against their People and Community strategies. Alongside this, at National Voices we interviewed four ICSs to gain a more detailed understanding of existing practice.

To design the framework, we ran a series of workshops and analysed continuous feedback. The framework is a result of extensive co-design, involving input from public health practitioners, ICS leaders, engagement experts, voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations, and people with lived experience.

Following its initial development, four ICS pilot sites undertook testing to ensure that ICSs can apply the framework in a practical and meaningful way.

Accessing the framework

The framework, and accompanying resources are available via CQC’s website. The framework is available to access in different formats;

  • A Word version that allows you to check boxes against actions in each phase and save progress.
  • A PDF version, best for printing.
  • A HTML version, better for people using screen readers or other assistive technology.


We’d like to thank everyone involved in this project, including CQC, The Point of Care Foundation, National Voices’ Lived Experience Partners, the four ICSs who tested the framework, everyone who was involved in the stakeholder forums and Expert Advisory Group and the Regulators’ Pioneer Fund for funding this work.

The Regulators Pioneer Fund

The Regulators ‘ Pioneer Fund (RPF) is a grant-based fund to enable UK regulators and local authorities to help create a regulatory environment that encourages business innovation and investment. The current £12m round is being delivered by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT).