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National Voices’ Next Generation Network

National Voices’ Next Generation Network events are aimed at early career policy, communications and engagement professionals with an interest in health, care, and addressing inequalities.

  • Health inequalities
  • Lived experience

Identifying a gap in the sector

In 2023 the National Voices team identified a gap – there was no space for those beginning their career in the voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) sector to meet, build relationships, and grow together. We also identified an under-representation of people from minoritised groups in senior roles in the voluntary sector, combined with few formal spaces for learning and networking available for people from minoritised groups who were earlier in their careers. This acted as the catalyst for National Voices’ Next Generation Network to be established.

The event series intends to support diverse, up and coming talent within the health and social care sector, and to create opportunities for people early in their careers to network and build relationships with each other.

The inaugural event

For the inaugural Next Generation Network event, we were delighted to welcome Naomi Phillips, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Policy and Research at the Learning & Work Institute, and Robert Ede, former Special Advisor at the Department of Health and Social Care, as guest speakers.

Open exclusively to people in the first five years of their career in policy, communications, or lived experience with an interest in health, care, and inequalities, the event provided National Voices’ member organisations and partners, and friends from the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, the opportunity to share insights and ideas from across the sector. It was also an opportunity for people at similar stages of their career to bond over shared experiences and seek advice on professional development.

Establishing an ongoing event series

Following the success of this launch event, we established an ongoing series of events for early career professionals within the sector, to meet with one another and to learn from inspirational people both within and beyond the sector, including:  

  • Caroline Bernard, Director of Influence, Respect,  
  • Andrew McCracken, Assistant Director of External Affairs, The King’s Fund,  
  • Burcu Borysik, Head of Policy and Campaigns at Crohn’s & Colitis UK,  
  • Minesh Patel, Associate Director of Policy and Influencing at Mind

Looking to the future

We plan to continue to hold two Next Generation Network events every year. We encourage our members, partners, and friends from the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance to enable interested colleagues to join this network, and future events, as part of their continued learning and development.  

Outside of networking events, we are also happy to connect with early career professionals from member and partner organisations, so please don’t hesitate to pop us an email and say hello.

We are really proud to host the Next Generation Network series at National Voices. Every event creates the opportunity for people to make new connections that can support them to be more impactful and collaborative in their work to improve health and care in England.

For National Voices, a key element of this is ensuring that people from all backgrounds have the right support and networks in place to thrive in their careers and to influence change. From the conversations I have been part of at these events, the future is bright.

Sarah Sweeney, Director of Membership and Development

The chance to talk to people of my level and my sector was so refreshing. Often at these events you’re talking to really interesting people, but they are so far removed from your experience that it’s not that helpful.

Next Generation Network attendee

The talks in a networking event were a nice touch that I wasn’t expecting, and I genuinely found them very motivational.

Next Generation Network attendee

How can you get involved or find out more?

For more information about the Next Generation network, please feel free to email us.