Carers’ experiences of remote care and support models: learning from the pandemic
- Carers’ experiences of remote care and support models
- Communication and administration
- Health inequalities
- Digital health and care
- COVID-19
To inform this work we have re-analysed the data we collated for our work on Unlocking the digital front door – keys to inclusive healthcare, Our Covid Voices and Online Peer Support, with a specific focus on the needs, experiences and hopes of carers. We also met with a key group of our members and people with lived experience to discuss, review and input into the findings, recommendations and examples of good practice.
This learning pack presents what we heard in our research; topics include challenges around privacy, the need for support when using digital, access to and the experience of health and care services and learnings around online peer support for carers.
It concludes with a number of key takeaways and recommendations for government, as well as advice on setting up online peer support for carers.
The funding for this work was provided courtesy of the Commitment to Carers Programme, Experience of Care Team, NHS England and NHS Improvement.
If you would like to read this pack in an alternative format, please get in touch.