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  3. Evidence review: Health inequalities framework for ICSs

Evidence review: Health inequalities framework for ICSs

National Voices and The Point of Care Foundation are working with the Care Quality Commission on a project supporting Integrated Care Systems to reduce health inequalities. The evidence review and stakeholder interviews were conducted during the project's first phase.

Read the evidence review
  • Health inequalities
  • Integrated care
  • Lived experience

The project’s aim is to develop a rigorous, scalable, self-assessment framework for Integrated Care Systems. Our key consideration at National Voices is to ensure that this framework is co-produced with Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations and people with lived experience of health conditions and disability. Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) will be able to use this framework to assess how well their ICSs reduce health inequalities by understanding the health and care needs of people and communities.  

This evidence review provides summary insights of light-touch rapid evidence assessment, as well as setting out insights elicited through a series of stakeholder interviews.  

Find out more about this project here.

Read the evidence review