Letter to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, as we prepare for one of the toughest winters in NHS history
- COVID-19
- Health inequalities
- Hospital waiting lists
- Primary care
The letter states our membersā worries regarding the material deterioration in access to health and care services, and the significant waits people are experiencing in access to diagnosis and treatment, as well as delays in routine care for long term conditions. We also noted the vital role of people who use health and care services alongside the voluntary and community sector in codesigning necessary solutions.
We set out the key challenges facing our health and care system and those who rely on them, derived from conversations with our members including:
- Workforce
- Cost of living
- Social care
- Health inequalities
- Living with Covid
We invited the Secretary of State to meet with us, and our members to discuss how we can work together to make what matters to people matter in health and care.
If you would like to read this letter in an alternative format, pleaseĀ get in touch.