National Voices’ Long Covid Project: Learning and Reflection Report
- Long Covid Project
- COVID-19
- Health inequalities
The project brought together six inequalities-focused organisations, who carried out individual pieces of work with different communities at risk of exclusion from Long Covid. Although we don’t tend to work on specific conditions at National Voices, we recognised the opportunity to address the pressing matter of pandemic recovery and the urgent needs of people who are most heavily impacted by COVID-19 and Long Covid.
The project had three aims:
- To harness the crucial role of VCSEs in providing Long Covid support
- To co-produce solutions with those affected by Long Covid
- To create an open-circuit peer support group with the six key organisations.
This report serves as a post-project learning and reflection of the National Voices’ Long Covid project and seeks to:
- Summarise the positive learnings and challenges the organisations faced throughout the year.
- Provide recommendations for multiple stakeholders on how to build on the learnings and challenges for future work.
- Summarise the activities undertaken by partner organisations through this project.
- Explore the role of network and partnership working in partner organisations’ work during this project.
Throughout this project, four themes emerged around which the foundations of Long Covid support should ideally be built:
- Awareness
- Connection
- Access
- Quality
If you would like to read this report in an alternative format, pleaseĀ get in touch.
Other related documents available to read include:
Case studies from the Long Covid project
A guideline for inclusion document from People First, which outlines recommendations for inclusive and accessible practice with their community and other communities at risk of exclusion.
We would like to thank our project partners and our members who contributed to this work.