National Voices’ response to the Covid Inquiry draft Terms of Reference
- COVID-19
- Health inequalities
In response to the draft Terms of Reference our recommendations were as follows:
- Ensure that the voices of people most impacted by the pandemic are at the heart of the Inquiry
- Make sure that the Inquiry fully explores the unequal impact of the pandemic
- Ensure that the Inquiry has a focus on the indispensable role of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector in the pandemic response
- Expand the focus of the Inquiry on ‘shielding and the protection of the clinically vulnerable’ to include a focus on people who are immunocompromised
- Include a specific focus on experiences of carers in the Inquiry
- Include a specific focus on people who have died at home during the pandemic in the Inquiry
- Include a specific focus on mental health in the Inquiry
- Ensure the Inquiry has a focus on understanding the management of the pandemic within primary care
- Use the testimonies and learning gathered through the Inquiry to inform the ongoing impact of COVID-19
- Ensure that the Inquiry has a focus on ensuring health and care services have the resilience to be able to cope with future pandemics
We also extended an offer of support in ensuring the Inquiry is designed and run in a way that engages with people in a meaningful and constructive way, avoiding tokenism, from the early stages.
If you would like to read our response in an alternative format, pleaseĀ get in touch.