Person Centred Care 2020
- Person-centred care
- Lived experience
They flag dos and don’ts for the next government and highlight the contributions that voluntary and community organisations can offer to achieve radical improvements in health and social care.
Person centred care ensures that people are partners in decisions about their health and care. It is fundamental to improving quality and making funding go further.
Yet, fragmentation of health and care services, a lack of significant support to people’s self-management, the persistence of reactive and crisis-oriented approaches, and some high profile failures to provide compassionate care, all serve to demonstrate that we are still too far from achieving this goal.
In our position statement, Person centred care 2020, National Voices and its members set out why person centred coordinated care must be the central ambition for the development of health and social care for the next five years; how it can happen and the centrality of involving the voluntary and community sector in this.
If you would like to read this statement in an alternative format, please get in touch.