A summary of discussions in National Voices’ roundtable on the future of community pharmacy on behalf of the National Pharmacy Association
- Primary care
- Lived experience
National Voices members in attendance included:
- Allergy UK
- Asthma + Lung UK
- Friends, Families and Travellers
- Crohn’s and Colitis UK
- The Caribbean and African Health Network (CAHN)
- Diabetes UK
- Alzheimer’s Society
Key takeaways from our members and lived experience partners during this important conversation included:
- Many health and care charities see potential for community pharmacists to offer more services.
- Continuity of care within pharmacy is vital to support people with long term conditions to manage their health.
- Trust is key.
- Pharmacies are well placed to deliver holistic care, rooted in communities.
- Pharmacies can take a ‘no wrong door’ approach in terms of access to care and information on health.
- Any adoption of digital approaches to delivery in pharmacy should put patient choice at the centre.
Read the write up of the roundtable in full for further detail, including areas identified for improvement.
If you would like to read this summary in an alternative format, please get in touch.