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  3. National Voices submission to Health and Social Care Select Committee White Paper ‘Integration and Innovation: working together to improve health and social care for all’

National Voices submission to Health and Social Care Select Committee White Paper ‘Integration and Innovation: working together to improve health and social care for all’

This is the National Voices submission to the Health and Social Care Select Committee White Paper 'Integration and innovation: working together to improve health and social care for all'.

  • Digital health and care
  • Health inequalities

We supported the 2019 consensus statement and are broadly supportive of the direction of travel outlined in the White Paper. Clearly it is good for people and communities if all providers, planners and stakeholders with a responsibility for health and wellbeing are challenged and supported to collaborate with each other in a place.

However, we have a number of concerns to raise around where we think provisions need to be strengthened.

If you would like to read this submission in an alternative format, pleaseĀ get in touch.