Tessa Fulton
Policy Manager
She brings with her unique insights from her background as a Clinical Psychologist working in NHS community mental health and dementia services. Tessa moved into the health charity policy sector in 2022 with a role in the policy team at National Voices’ member Alzheimer’s Society, and brings a collaborative, inclusive approach to listening and enabling change in health policy. At National Voices, Tessa’s work is focused on coordinating the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance, a partnership between health and care charities, on the one hand, and system partners, on the other, with a focus on tackling health inequalities. National Voices and NAVCA act as joint co-ordinators of the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance, which is funded by the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England and the UK Health Security Agency. She will also lead on the development of new policy areas based on the expertise and insight of our members and the communities they represent.